Saturday 17 October 2020


 As we mentioned earlier, we have been giving special attention to the needs of our female teenagers in this period. The reason is the high risks they are exposed to because of finding themselves at home for a long period (7 months now). Covid 19 restrictions are beginning to be eased now and cases are reducing. Schools have been allowed to reopen but for candidate(final year students) only.

The problem of child abuse, defilement and teenage pregnancy during the lockdown has been widely discussed in the media here of late. 

Over 6,000 teenage girls have gotten pregnant in the last 6 months of lockdown here in Uganda.This presents a very serious challenge to their health (some are as young as 14) and their education, as many are denied a chance to continue with their studies and in some cases forced to get married prematurely.

We want to intervene and empower more young girls in our community to protect themselves in this period. We have decided to go beyond our own sponsored girls and organise a monthly workshop for atleast 70 teens for the next three months.

Each monthly workshop will cost 5,000 SEK to organise. This money will facilitate us to hire a hall that is spacious, get a public address system, sanitory towels to distribute, plus several conditions for prevention of Covid 19 like masks, sanitizers, etc.

We want the first one to be held on 12th November 2020.

This can only be possible through our generous contributions. Please consider making a contribution towards this noble cause too. You may email us at: for more details.

Thanks always!!