Monday 20 July 2020


As we await the resumption of schools here, we decided that our children will not stay idle for all this time. So we designed a small group study program where supported children get assistance in terms of reading materials, revision exercises and some bit of computer basics for the older children.

We've hired a teacher to assist in some areas to help the children reminded of what they studied. This program is carried on both from the homes of the children and some groups come to office.

We are grateful for the volunteers that are giving their time to help out especially going to homes to assist the children.
We are using this method because for now large gatherings are still prohibited.

Thanks dear friends for making all this happen!

Together in crisis

To stand together as one human family and minimize injustice and inequality is a most noble thing to do.
We greatly appreciate our partners who made it possible for us to do this agriculture project and were able to feed our supported families during the period of lockdown due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

Together we shall make a big difference!