Thursday 1 December 2016

Visitors and Children

We were once again blessed to host student interns...this time from Belgium. We visited families with them, checked on children at school and visited a Batwa camp several kilometres from town. In our family visits, our families get to interact with the visitors. We learn from each other. We speak hope and comfort to the individuals we find there because they live under very difficult conditions due to poverty, lack of education or sometimes disease.
At school we first had separate time with our own supported children before meeting with the whole school at their evening assembly.
It was fun as our children learnt about Belgium and shared about our culture, weather and surroundings.
Some children gave moving testimonies of how their lives have changed since they were recruited into the project.
 One girl, Kadiya, shared how she used to study on an empty stomach most of the afternoons because she used to go home for lunch and find no food. That was after walking a long distance home for lunch. However, now she doesnt have to walk home for lunch because she gets lunch from school. This happened after she got a sponsor through FALCO. Her grades have also considerably improved as a result.

There are still so many young girls and boys in the villages around us for whom the future is uncertain because they are not being prepared through a quality education, holistic care and guidance to succeed.
You can partner with us to change more young lives and guarantee a better future for them. To become a sponsor or help us to get sponsors please write to us on:

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Health screening exercise

Last weekend we had medical workers come and do HCT (HIV Counseling and Testing) on our children. The goal was to know their present sero status so as to take appropriate action. The medics counselled the children on matters to do with HIV: prevention, transmission channels etc. We will be doing more general health screening soon so as to continue to take preventive measures to keep our children healthy. We believe health and fitness are critical to a child's overall growth and development. So we will continue to partner with the caregivers to ensure the children adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

School Moments

The 3rd term that closes the academic year is on us and the children are determined to make it to the next class. We caught up with them at their schools and bring you some of their moments...

Monday 19 September 2016

Holiday starts

We are in the holiday now. The children are glad to get time to be with family and rest from the hectic school routine. We started them off with a group counselling about the term and how it went for them. We met a small group and will be meeting more in the course of the holiday. It was interesting to hear their stories of best subjects, favorite teachers and challenges faced during the term. We are using the findings to find ways of enriching their educational experience.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Transforming families

We are glad to bring you an update of one of our supported families. The child is Jackyline Gato. We mentioned sometime back that we spotted her when she had dropped out of school and had lost hope of ever getting an education or worse still, ever achieving anything worthwhile in life. That was way back in 2010. Well, the story is quite different now; not just for her alone but for her whole family.
Its a family of 7. They should be 8 but unfortunately her younger sister of 12 years passed away a month ago after a short illnss. We found this family in such abject poverty that it was a struggle for the girl to keep up regular attendance at school even with our support because they could fail to get soap to wash her uniform sometimes. At other times it was failure to buy water which meant staying home that day. We are talking about items that cost about a third of a dollar or even less!

Its due to their unique setting that we have now added an extra touch to the mission of empowering this family. Beyond supporting the child in her overall growth, we have helped the mother to start a small scale income generating project. We have been preparing for this for sometime and we thank God that the mother is proving very hard working and ingenious in handling her business. We are guiding her on how to manage it well.
She is pictured below with some of the food she sells at their local market ( Thats sugarcane behind her, we couldnt picture the other items because the other users of the market didnt seem eager to appear in the photo!) standing with her is Jacky's younger brother.

We shall continue to do this with all families one at a time.
She can now afford a smile as she is beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Many thanks once again to our sponsors because its because of you that this transformation is taking place in these families.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Fighting poverty

Below is the mother of Desire Hakizimana, our sponsored child. She hired land and is cultivating crops with the economic empowerment support she got from FALCO. Since she lost her husband two years ago, life has been quite hard. She has struggled to fend for her 3 children while battling hostility from her in-laws. We have had several counseling sessions with her and she is much stronger now. She is slowly stabilizing in her income and we look forward to a big harvest from her garden!
Thanks our sponsors for making this incredible transformation possible!

Sunday 12 June 2016

Academic Review

We did a simple review with the children to see how they are catching up and we found that many are improving greatly in their studies.


The second term of the year is here and our children are back to school. Here are pics of moments at school with other children.