Wednesday 31 December 2014

XMASS 2014.

Merry Xmass and happy new year to all of you!

This Xmass was one of a kind here at FALCCO. Members of Transformation Revival Centre, a local church here, teamed up with us to organise an Xmass service and party for the children. Many thanks to the members for their involvement and contributions.

The children practiced the whole week for their musical presentations. We had some parents and other guests come over for the Xmass morning event.
Ululations and "Jingle Bells" filled the air as the knife touched the edge of the cake. The cake was cut by Justine Cyimpaye (representing the other children) assisted by a FALCCO volunteer, the director, a parent and one other guest.

Some children got a bit scared by the "fire" around the cake but realized later it was actually harmless!
We greatly appreciate our sponsors and friends who have made this year 2014 a memorable one for the children. We look forward to an even greater year 2015.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Tis holiday time again for our children. This is the end of academic year holiday and they will be having more time to help out at home and relax.
Xmas is on and preparations are underway for a children's xmas party on 25th Dec. Song practices are taking place and everyone is getting more and more expectant for the long awaited xmas cake!
Pics will be up as soon as our network is stable.
Hello from all of us here at FALCCO!
It was really great last month when we hosted our friends Thor, Sara, Emma, Sophia and Victor from Sweden. The children enjoyed every bit of the time they had with you. Thanks for giving them and all of us a memorable experience!