Thursday 30 January 2014

For those living in Sweden and would like to know how you can be involved with this work of developing and empowering young children, we have coordinators there to assist you. Please contact us for more details.
We believe this term is going to be one of the best for our children since they started school. We will be gathering them regularly for remedial classes with qualified teachers in a relaxed atmosphere,with lots of fun, games and interaction....away from the school environment!

A big THANK YOU to all our sponsors.
We want to work to ensure that your sponsored child makes you so proud!
Pray for good health and protection for the children as the busy study season begins on Monday 3rd Feb 2014.

Wednesday 22 January 2014


Here are today's inspirational quotes about children:

" While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about" Angella Schwindt

" I dont remember who said this, but there really are places in the heart you dont even know exist until you love a child" Anne Lamott.

" Every child needs a champion" Hillary Rodham Clinton.

" If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way" Napoleon Hill.
We are finally done with the academic assessment visits. Here is Maureen Tukundane, (sitted in front beside Pr. Nathan), her mother (sitted at the back), and her two siblings (sitted behind her). As with the rest of the families, we discussed her academic progress. She perfomed well in previous terms but the latest report was not available. Maureen's mum is a single mother. she treats ladies' hair for a living. she cant afford to rent  a room for the business so she does it from home.
As we empower families like this one, each having the capacity to sustain themselves, we hope to see long term socio-economic transformation.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Andrew Niyonshimye with his mother at their shop. The family has no land for cultivation but the mother tries to raise some income by selling some vegetables and local porridge in this place.
Our future plan is to boost her business with more capital so that it may produce more for them.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Children quotes

Here are some famous quotes for us to think about as we work to give children a bright future:

" The soul is healed by being with children" Fyodor Dostoyevsky

" Its the children the world almost breaks who grow up to save it" Frank Warren

" We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future" Franklin D. Roosevelt, former American president.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Pr. Nathan discusses with Kadiya (centre) and her mother (right) about last years results. Her mom is holding in her hand Kadiya's report card. She is very committed to her studies. The card showed she had emerged 8th out of 34 children in her class.

Starting to talk academics

At the home of Berina, one of our children. Her report card was not available but her past answer sheets showed good perfomance. She loves science and maths. She dreams of being an engineer someday.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

In preparation for the upcoming 1st term, we are carrying on academic assessment visits to all our families. The purpose is to assess the academic perfomance of each child using the report card of last academic year, the childs books and question papers. During the visits,we discuss last years perfomance with the child and the care-givers. we identify weak and strong areas and advise the child and caregiver on the way forward. Our discovery is that all the children will need to work harder, with our assistance, to reach excellence this year. They are eager and love their studies, so we hope to have some very unique success stories this year. some are already exhibiting above-average perfomance. So we will build from where each child is academically.

Monday 13 January 2014

We at FALCCO have determined to make this year a year of excellence and growth. We shall ensure that our children and their households begin to see the light of hope as we work together to uplift their academic, physical, social and spiritual welfare.
Thanks big to those that have already expressed eagerness to take on a child for sponsorship. That will make all the difference and give your child a prosperous future that they never dreamed existed. More children still need sponsors. To sponsor a child, please read details on the SPONSORSHIP page.
In this first quarter of 2014, great emphasis will be placed on the academic improvement of our children. To achieve that, many of them will need special coaching, uniforms, shoes, study and scholastic materials and constant monitoring.
We also want to open an office where we can keep children's text books and other study materials, do administrative work and have children come to write to their sponsors, play and engage in other project activities. Rent and maintenance of such a place will cost $85 per month. We desire to open the office effective February 2014. Contributions to that effect will be highly appreciated.

Connecting to the dot-com era

Jackyline has spent her holiday catching up on computer skills to supplement her tailoring knowledge. Her certificate course in tailoring will end Dec. this year. She has so far exhibited exemplary conduct in her personal and academic life. Our dream for all the children is that they will be transformed and developed into successful and God-fearing leaders in their different fields of expertise. That's why we rely on a holistic approach to child development. Jackie mainifests several attributes which, if developed further, can transform her into just that kind of influential and successful person.