Wednesday 30 April 2014

The first term holiday is here and we are looking forward to exciting and life changing activities for our children in the month of May. We will have remedial classes with them to help improve their perfomance; A team of interns from Sweden will also be visiting us for a week (12th - 19th May), it will be a week of learning and fun times with the children. Our children will learn a lot about Sweden as the visitors also learn about Uganda and what goes on in the daily life of a rural Ugandan child.
Keep an eye on this space......!  

Monday 21 April 2014


Oh how the children love to sing! We learn't and sang some children's songs during the children's Easter festival here at our office premises. Twas real fun!

Some few lessons

A bit of learning under the instruction of Lydia, a volunteer social worker.

Games and more games!

The boys made a football out of a polythene bag stuffed with grass and played some soccer as the girls played a game of carrying one and throwing her up at a time.

EASTER 2014.

Had great fun with our children here at our office premises yesterday Easter 2014!
Shared a meal with them, played games, fun activities, sung songs and had one of our volunteer child development worker teach them about easter and how to be exemplary children at home.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Happy and blessed Easter weekend to you all.
We are looking forward to having a great time with our children here at FALCCO as we celebrate this resurrection holiday later on today. We desire to make it as special for them as possible.
Most of them will officially close the term next week...

Tuesday 1 April 2014

we've entered April, the last month of the first term. Our children are busy preparing for their end of term exams which will begin in a few days for most schools.
Pray for their success.